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Karnataka Nanbargal Benefit Association (KNBA) aims to achieve all round societal and economic development. We support 3 main causes around Education, Healthcare and Livelihood.​​



KNBA aims to provide quality education for all children, especially those from marginalized backgrounds. The trust aims to build the capacity of teachers by providing access to ever improving materials. KNBA is involved in building capacity of anganwadis and developing frameworks to standardize learnings across schools in backward districts​​



KNBA focusses on improving access to quality of healthcare by addressing the gaps in human resources and infrastructure in healthcare. It aims to drive latest technology adoption in improving the patient experience. The trust is working on improving the access to primary health care which can solve 80% of healthcare conditions if treated early.​​

Improving Livelihood​​


KNBA has been focusing on Rural livelihood development. We work on programs including farming, irrigation, water conservation. The trust focusses on innovation helping us to maintain sustainable rural development. KNBA focusses on initiatives that alleviate poverty and uplift the living standards of marginalized and poor communities.​​


KNBA is proud to host IBCN 2025

IBCN 2025 Launch date: 07.04.2024

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Main Event

IBCN 2025: 11 - 13th July 2025

Contact Information​



Address: No.30 Caste Street,

Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru -560025.

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